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About Web Weimer Facility Management Gmbh

WEB WEIMER Facility Management GmbH - Full-Service Real Estate Management

About WEB WEIMER Facility Management GmbH

WEB WEIMER Facility Management GmbH is a full-service real estate management company offering a range of services for properties, including property management, object management, object maintenance, rentals, and sales.

Services Offered by WEB WEIMER Facility Management GmbH

WEB WEIMER Facility Management GmbH provides comprehensive services tailored to meet the needs of property owners and tenants. Their services encompass both commercial and residential properties and include:

  • Property Management: Strategic planning, financial management, tenant relations, and property maintenance.
  • Object Management: Facility management, technical maintenance, and building services.
  • Object Maintenance: Preventive maintenance, repairs, renovations, and emergency services.
  • Rentals: Tenant acquisition, lease management, and rent collection.
  • Sales: Property valuations, marketing, and sales transactions.

Contact Information for WEB WEIMER Facility Management GmbH

To learn more about WEB WEIMER Facility Management GmbH and their services, or to inquire about specific properties, please contact them using the following information:

  • Address: WEB WEIMER Facility Management GmbH, Lahnau, Germany
  • Phone: [Phone Number]
  • Email: [Email Address]
  • Website: [Website URL]
